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Woman killed by sister’s pit bull terrier

PATHUM THANI – An elderly woman was killed by her sister’s pit bull dog as she rode her bicycle past the house on Tuesday afternoon.
The 67-year-old, identified as Dang, was savaged by the 2-year-old male pit bull after it got out of its cage, about 3pm in tambon Chiang Rak Noi of Sam Khok district.
Rescuers called to the scene by neighbours found the woman lying bitten and unconscious with a very weak pulse. She did not respond to first aid and was later pronounced dead.
Her 41-year-old son, Thawee, said his mother had been riding a bicycle back to their house. He heard his aunt, who lives nearby, shouting out that his mother had been attacked by a dog.
He rushed outside and found his mother lying on the ground, bleeding from dog bites all over her body. He picked her up and ran, carrying her about 600 metres away from the scene of the attack and calling out for people to get help. Someone called a rescue team, he said.
The dog’s owner, identified as Kiatkanok, is the dead woman’s sister.
She said the pit bull was named Poi Kai and was usually kept in a cage. She and her daughter had raised it themselves since it was a puppy. 
Recently, Poi Kai had become disobedient and aggressive. It had previously attacked her daughter and a neighbour. She would give the dog to any agency able to take care of it, she said.
Police said the dog’s owner would face charges. 
